Trentham Golf Club
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Trentham Golf Club has reported a vastly improved financial position at the Annual General Meeting on Saturday December 14. Hard work and some painful but necessary price increases resulted in a 37% increase in total income, with a profit of $67,642. After three difficult years of Covid, floods, damaging storms, irrigation breakdowns and corella damage, the club now has a much more positive outlook.

A major feature was the strongly increased income from green fees, competitions, tournaments and membership revenue. There were also healthy increases in income from the bar, advertising, sponsorship, donations and social club fundraising.

With grants and donations, the club is now only $25,000 short of its aim to raise $175,000 to renew the irrigation system and keep the greens and tees in a healthy condition. Installation of a new wireless, app-controlled irrigation stystem has already commenced.

President Alex Evered reported that "the work of our greens staff and volunteers cannot be underestimated and we’re incredibly grateful for all the time and effort they’ve put in to make this a good year. It’s been a year of growth, teamwork, and achievement. We still have work to do and costs to manage carefully, but our dedicated community and successful fundraising is keeping us on track".

You can read the annual report here.
